Visit to Orphanage

Good Remedy Foundation First Outing
  • Our very first outing was a visit to SECHILD ORPHANAGE INSTITUTE TRADEMORE ABUJA.
  • A place where children with deformed cases were given succor and hope to live. It clearly shows that we have apparently no reason to violate life from Conception to natural Death.

  • Good Remedy Foundation says: live and let live! Stop the violence against the unborn, stop the violence against the weak, let love lead! 


I was profoundly touched to my heart at my first sight of the Orphans.
Most of the children took deformed posture, in that, they can't even stand and walk as normal Orphans do. They remain stretched in a manner that they can only be carried. The children suffer from cerebral palsy accordingly. They expressed joy at seeing us. I noticed they only need love and care from fellow human beings.

I now realized what God means by His commandment: "Love your neighbor as yourself". They have life in them - made in image and likeness of God! If we can love and take of animals as pets; let's love and care for our fellow human beings irrespective of their condition. Say no to abortion! Say no to euthanasia! Say yes to life from Conception to natural Death!

Am Gerard-Mary praying our Lady of Good Remedy to pray for us her children that we may gain wisdom of heart and a heart to love God and our neighbors!
Unknown said…
Good Remedy foundation, your outreach of love and compassion to the vulnerable orphans is highly commendable. Especially for the disabled Orphans whom society give little or no attention to. Keep up the good works and may God bless you. Amen
Unknown said…
Nice one brother. May God give you the strength to carry on
Amen! God bless you for your words of encouragement.
Amen. Thanks and God bless you.
Angela Chiamaka said…
A great one indeed...God bless Good Remedy Foundation.
marymay said…
Brother, this is quite commendable, Our Lady of Good Remedy will guide, direct and strengthen you people on the mission work undertaken.
Amen. God bless you for being the Secretary of this very promising Foundation.
Amen. We will ensure our very best in union with our Mother of Good Remedy
Warm greetings to you all dear friends of Good Remedy Foundation. We have been trying to effectively carry-out our projects especially to organise free orientation for our teaming upcoming young persons. We think life and promote life from Conception to natural death.

We are looking forward to helping our human society where love will cut across boundaries! A society where there are no religious, tribal, language, color barrier to exhibiting Godly-love.

Who can make it happen? It begins with me and you. The change for a better human society begins with you. Start being kind to one another irrespective of our differences. Let the Moslems smile with the Christians from their hearts and vice versa, same with every other believers of various religious groups or free thinkers. Let the Hausa smile at Igbo, same with Yoruba, Ijaw, and all tribes in Nigeria and across the world.
Yes we can, if we will. To every problem or disorder in our society, there is a corresponding remedy (Ubi jus Ubi remedium). Good Remedy Foundation says; be of good cheer and be the change you desire by your good conscience.
You can contact us as we look forward to greater plans to help our young people on improving societal values. Support us in our search for a good office for better outreach.

CEO GRF: Phone: 09065389752.

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