GOOD REMEDY TO LIFE FROM CONCEPTION TO NATURAL DEATH Welcome to Good Remedy Foudation. Promoting good life from Conception to natural Death! We are starting small. Why can't you start small? Just take one step at a time. Break it down to steps. Don't bother about the bigness of your dreams. Just commence. If you take care of the beginning the end will fall in line. Very soon you will look back and see how far and well you have gone. Don't compete, just do your very best. Don't get weary along the way, just keep the focus. When you remove your eyes off the goal, all you see is obstacles - keep the courage with your goal in focus. Don't mind the blisters, the heat of the sun or storm; it will give way to the latter days of smile. Rest only to get the strength to continue until you get there! You are uniquely made and uniquely loved by God. Believe in yourself and ultimately believe in God! Good Remedy Foundation says: live good life and promote good life. God bless ...